Neotech French Horn Brass Wrap

Référence: 4472

Le prix y comris T.V.A., plus epédition

Neotech's French Horn Brass Wrap is great for marching bands or for performers who play in long gigs. The neoprene Brass Wrap™ fits snugly on your French horn, so that you get a firm and comfortable grip while protecting the finish from hand moisture and oils. The non-slip backing keeps your Brass Wrap securely in place while Velcro fasteners allow for quick and easy removal for cleaning or storage. The ultra-comfortable pad reduces grip-fatigue and makes playing for long periods a pleasure, not a pain. Brass Wrap ™ insulates your hand in both cold and hot weather while protecting against moisture. You're always assured a secure grip. Brass Wrap keeps your French horn tone pure and your grip happy. Give your French Horn a Brass Wrap!

Brass Wraps can be washed in mild detergent and laid flat to dry.

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Les prix y compris T.V.A., plus expédition

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